
It is rightly said,”When you do good, you feel good. What is the greatest joy in the world? Having everything you want or helping someone in need? Well according to me I think when you bring a smile to someone’s face it is an absolute pleasure and joy that anyone can get. So my friends and I got together to help the underprivileged and bring a smile to their face. Let me share my experience of the day with you all!

So my friends and I got together to help the underprivileged and bring a smile to their face. Let me share my experience of the day with you all!

Early morning on Sunday, we set out to fulfill our goal of helping the people living in the slums of Ludhiana. At first,I felt really bad as they were starving and could not afford the same things we could but at the same time I was really impressed as they were cheerful and not complaining. We distributed a pack of wheat flour and lentils to each family.

I was astonished by the fact that each person who received something or the other said thank you and showed a sense of gratitude which people like us sometimes don’t. We even distributed cookies to the children. Then I realised that if you help someone in need and bring a smile to their face you also feel a gush of pride and happiness in your heart.

We even went to a smaller slum where we saw an educated girl teaching the poor children. The children told us about their studies and we were amazed by their dedication and hardwork. Everyone knew how to speak English, solve Math sums and they were even learning how to use a computer.I was even more impressed by the fact that few of them who used to work as rag pickers were now making their future by studying hard.

Hats off to everyone

including the students
who were burning the midnight oil to become successful and independent as well as the teacher who was working so hard to educate them.

From this visit I realised that we should be grateful to God for providing us all the luxuries of life. Not every one of us is fortunate enough to get the things we want including good education. Therefore we should always help the needy and do little things to bring a smile to their face. I shall be updating you about my experience as we go. Till then DO GOOD and FEEL GOOD.


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